Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Lame Blogger

I realized just now that I haven't written anything new on here in a while... Lame blogger, that's me. I guess I have just been busy with work and family commitments. Or maybe that's just an excuse. Mostly I think it's just that putting my thoughts down into words is not a task that comes naturally to me. I have to really work at it. Which makes blogging seem like a chore most of the time. So, I just wait until I feel inspired to write something, which seems to happen infrequently, at best.

Well, I am going (once again) to challenge myself to get on here and post something new every day for an entire week, in an attempt to spark some new creative energy. I have taken on this challenge before, each time ending in a handful of posts at best. Maybe this time will be different.

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